2 edb Sep 12, 2004 04:54

I'm extremely new to this whole domain thing, so please bare with me. I tried wordpress earlier, but I didn't like it as much as I thought I would so I uninstalled it. I decided to try this one, and my sever has Fantastico installed, and everytime I try to install any of the blog scripts, I get this wonderful message:
Install b2evolution (2/3)
Warning: Too many connections in /tmp/cpanel.courtney.1094956331.21871 on line 4963
Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Too many connections in /tmp/cpanel.courtney.1094956331.21871 on line 4963
Too many connections
I tried finding it, but I had no idea where to go or what to do because that file/folder doesn't exist.
Help? :-/ I have unlimited MySQL databases, and subdomains, and I know I haven't gone over any limit since I JUST bought the domain. I don't think I'm connected anywhere else.
Any idea?[/i]
Did you uninstall using Fantastico's uninstall thing? I got this feeling (but I'm not sure) that Fantastico has limits IT decides on. Fantastico makes a little file called (oddly enough) fantastico.php that keeps track of what version of what software you have installed. It's possible that it is what got confused and is freaking out on you.
Also do you have Cpanel, and more to the point do you have phpmyadmin available? You might want to make sure that the database created for the other one is gone. Assuming you've got nothing installed that you want to keep you might consider wiping out the little fantastico.php file.