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1 Feb 03, 2012 09:15    

My b2evolution Version: 4.0.5

Hi Folks:

My blog has public and private blogs for users. To prevent accidental publishing of private posts, all blogs were set on 'Protected' when saved and the Published button wasn't available when writing a post/edit. It was very convenient and worked for years. When I upgraded from 2x this features was disabled. The User/Group platform doesn't work so well across the blogs. Is it possible to add this code back into conf/admin.php file or someplace else because it is completely missing?

* Default status for new posts:
* Possible values: 'published', 'deprecated', 'protected', 'private', 'draft', 'redirected'
* @todo fp>This should be moved to the backoffice. Select list for each blog.
* @global string $default_post_status
$default_post_status = 'protected';

'Published' was never an issue in a private blog, because when permanently set on 'Protected', 'Publish' didn't exist (image I had didn't load, sorry). The only buttons were PREVIEW, SAVE, FILE. I would like this feature back if possible.

Now, we have to manually tick each post which is annoying; one blogger is afraid that they might publish something. How can this be fixed?

Thanks. :)

2 Feb 03, 2012 16:55

Edit the file /inc/colletions/model/_blog.class.php line 1338


$status = 'draft';


$status = 'protected';

This setting will be moved to the backoffice in v5

3 Feb 06, 2012 04:18

Ah, beautiful! Thank you so much Sam2kb - very appreciative for the direction. :)

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