1 highconcept Feb 09, 2012 08:19
3 highconcept Feb 09, 2012 16:33
Here is what is seen in the production blog:
Here is what I want in the IFRAME:
Note that the TOP and ARCHIVE links are without the tempskin.
I assume that the 'index.php' you are referring to is the one for the skin.
4 sam2kb Feb 09, 2012 19:12
- install the plugin I mentioned above
- create a copy of member_news.php and name it e.g. whatsnew.php
- open member_news.php find this string
require $inc_path.'_blog_main.inc.php';
and replace it with
// Switch to default skin
$_GET['user_skin_1'] = 'aux_pa';
require $inc_path.'_blog_main.inc.php';
- open whatsnew.php find this string
require $inc_path.'_blog_main.inc.php';
and replace it with
// Switch to temp skin
$_GET['user_skin_1'] = 'aux_whatsnew';
require $inc_path.'_blog_main.inc.php';
- make sure you set correct blog ID instead of "user_skin_1" use e.g. user_skin_4 or user_skin_21
5 highconcept Feb 10, 2012 06:44
I did exactly what you said, creating a clone of member_news.php and called it "iframe_member_news.php". Installed the Skin Switcher plugin and activated it. Made the code changes above, careful to say $_GET['user_skin_5'] = 'aux_whatsnew'; in the iframe version, and ...='aux_pa' in the member_news.php original.
Strange results: when I entered the URL http://it-blogs.cgaux.org/iframe_member_news.php the browser redirected immediately to just plain "member_news.php", and displayed the default skin.
You can try it yourself.
Also, out of curiosity, there is a commented out statement in both these routines that says # $skin = 'custom'; # You could *force a specific skin here...
What's THAT all about? Didn't work either.
6 sam2kb Feb 18, 2012 06:28
Completely forgot about it :)
I'll test it on my local computer tomorrow.
7 sam2kb Feb 19, 2012 03:25
You can force a skin, it's true. However you will be redirected to original blog URL anyway. This is what you need to do.
In _skin_switcher.plugin.php find this code
* Event handler: Called before a blog gets displayed (in _blog_main.inc.php).
function BeforeBlogDisplay( & $params )
global $Blog, $tempskin;
And add the following code below it
if( strstr($GLOBALS['ReqURI'], 'iframe_member_news.php') )
{ // The blog is called through iframe_member_news.php file
// Let's temporarily change blog stub file
$Blog->siteurl = 'iframe_member_news.php';
8 highconcept Mar 01, 2012 06:23
A noble try, but it only worked on the first click.
Here's the URL. Try clicking first on ARCHIVE, and then on TOP. Both use the built-in controls, TOP being "home".
9 sam2kb Mar 01, 2012 15:43
Actually it is working.
I can browse http://it-blogs.cgaux.org/iframe_member_news.php and http://blogs-it.cgaux.org/member_news.php in there own skins.
10 highconcept Mar 03, 2012 07:19
No, really. Click on the dev02 link above. It's beautiful. Then click on TOP, in the blog, and the skin changes. I just tried it three times.
Try the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=16500]Skin switcher[/url] plugin. There's no other way to keep "tempskin" param in those links.
You will need to define skin params in myblog.php and index.php