2 tilqicom Feb 26, 2012 21:54

*bump * bump* bump* (:
I will look at it tomorrow
cool.. i tried my best guesses with notepad++ search in core files, but with no luck : D Hoping to hear from you
ideally, i would like to add if not individual, a fixed title for all tags as well, like that "post single footer".
for example if you run a pet store; you would want a fixed sentence like: "accessories, food, leash, houses for animals".
so for dog tag title would be:
"{dog} accessories, food, leash, houses for animals."
same for cat tag title :
"{cat} accessories, food, leash, houses for animals."
This way you could get additional hits from "dog accessories", "cat foot", "dog leash" etc searches...Tags are pretty important tool after categories, and i think this would help.
You just need to play with this function in _html_header.inc.php and edit params
request_title( array(
'auto_pilot' => 'seo_title',
'category_text' => '',
'categories_text' => '',
) );
Also instead of 'auto_pilot' => 'seo_title', you can define your own title format. Take a look at "request_title" function in /inc/_core/_template.funcs.php
As of tags, try this
$params = array(
'auto_pilot' => 'seo_title',
'category_text' => '',
'categories_text' => '',
if( !empty($MainList) && !empty($MainList->filters['tags']) )
if( stristr( $MainList->filters['tags'], 'my-tag' ) )
{ // Add description to "my-tag"
$params['tags_text'] = $MainList->filters['tags'].' accessories, food, leash, houses for animals.';
request_title( $params );
Ok, thanks for both clues, i ll see what i can do
sam2kb wrote:
You just need to play with this function in _html_header.inc.php and edit params
request_title( array( 'auto_pilot' => 'seo_title', 'category_text' => '', 'categories_text' => '', ) );
Also instead of 'auto_pilot' => 'seo_title', you can define your own title format. Take a look at "request_title" function in /inc/_core/_template.funcs.php
Thanks for the tip ! request_title params were exactly what i was after !
Although there is no thing as "category_text" afai see.
Anyway, it's pretty great, and has seperate params for single post disp, and page disp.But no category_text or tag_text.
It exactly does
{dog} leashes, food, whatever you want title.
It's pretty enough, but ideally i would like it as
{dog} leashes, {dog} food, {dog} whatever you want title.
cat/tag being inside the title multiple times.
Replace all {tag} placeholders with tag value
$tag = $MainList->filters['tags'];
$string = '{tag} leashes, {tag} food, {tag} whatever you want title.';
$params['tags_text'] = str_replace( '{tag}', $tag, $params['tags_text'] );
If the tag is "X" the resulting string should look like this
X leashes, X food, X whatever you want title.
Although there is no thing as "category_text" afai see.
Those params are not in /inc/_core/_template.funcs.php however they should work too. Try them.
sam2kb wrote:
Replace all {tag} placeholders with tag value
$tag = $MainList->filters['tags']; $string = '{tag} leashes, {tag} food, {tag} whatever you want title.'; $params['tags_text'] = str_replace( '{tag}', $tag, $params['tags_text'] );
If the tag is "X" the resulting string should look like this
X leashes, X food, X whatever you want title.
Where do i insert that code piece ?
By the way, setting
'auto_pilot' => 'none',
disabled blog titles.
I had to add
'title_none' => $Blog->dget('name','htmlhead'),
manually after i noticed.
I think this is a bug.The blog title should default to blog's title even if auto pilet is turned off.
And speaking of cats/tags, in WP, tags and categories are almost same in terms of taxonomy. You can convert a cat to tag or tag > cat almost instantaneously.
But i think for b2 it's a little different is it not ?
For example sometimes you think a word is not that important to be a category, so you decide to make it a tag, but then it turns out it IS an important word, and has a lot of posts in it, so you may want to convert it to category.The opposite situation may be as well.
In b2evo cats are more advanced than in WP and tags are weaker :) They might be interchangeable is we copy categories table structure to tags.
I think this is a bug.The blog title should default to blog's title even if auto pilet is turned off.
That's why it called 'auto_pilot', it sets all defaults for you. If you want to do custom titles, you need to configure them.
That function is not only for page <title> tag, it is used inside the page too. I'm sure you don't want to display blog title on a 'page' which does not have its own title set in editor.
sam2kb wrote:
In b2evo cats are more advanced than in WP and tags are weaker :) They might be interchangeable is we copy categories table structure to tags.
I think this is a bug.The blog title should default to blog's title even if auto pilet is turned off.
That's why it called 'auto_pilot', it sets all defaults for you. If you want to do custom titles, you need to configure them.
That function is not only for page <title> tag, it is used inside the page too. I'm sure you don't want to display blog title on a 'page' which does not have its own title set in editor.
Yea the second paragraph makes sense, i have to check that, i wouldnt really want that.
How about the auto_pilot was on, and if we defined params, they would overwrite it ??
Maybe we can add another option like 'smart_auto_pilot' which allows overrides. Well, you can hack the files too ;)
sam2kb wrote:
As of tags, try this
$params = array( 'auto_pilot' => 'seo_title', 'category_text' => '', 'categories_text' => '', ); if( !empty($MainList) && !empty($MainList->filters['tags']) ) { if( stristr( $MainList->filters['tags'], 'my-tag' ) ) { // Add description to "my-tag" $params['tags_text'] = $MainList->filters['tags'].' accessories, food, leash, houses for animals.'; } } request_title( $params );
There is no "category_text" or "categories_text" in inc/_core/template.functions .. And tags hack didnt work either.. I do put this code in html.header right -replacing default request_title ?
How about that "smart_pilot" which would only override the auto_pilot ?
After the recent hack i did, changing the auto_pilot to none, and defining my own, my search rankings has dropped.
I noticed my page titles were appearing in google as "{Page Title} - m"
Wonder where the hell that -m comes from..
I switched back to auto_pilot for now
Ideally, i would like to add if not individual, a fixed title for all tags as well, like that "post single footer".for example if you run a pet store; you would want a fixed sentence like: "accessories, food, leash, houses for animals".
bump... sam2kb ? anyone ? : D