2 sam2kb Mar 09, 2012 14:13

That's what I thought, See I didn't have any users with any of the other groups. That's how I edited the Basic User And The Admin Groups. I would have to create a new user and change the users group so I could edit that group from the list of users.
I all so see that you don't have an option to limit the number of blogs a user can have all so. I didn't want to give permission to a group that can create a blog where I find out that they created 10 blogs. So that mite be an option to add in the group. Limit of Blogs (1) or some thing like that.
You can call a group by ID
your website URL /admin.php?ctrl=groups&grp_ID=4
I all so see that you don't have an option to limit the number of blogs a user can have all so.
that's a good idea
Your welcome. The idea is I want other users to create blogs too. How ever with some many dumb bumb's out there wanting to post spam. I didn't want them creating more then one Blog.
I all so see that you don't have an option for banning IP Address and Email Address too. So that would be another option to add.
You should add the option where a list of banned emails address and IP Addresses can be entered.
and the same thing with Email addresses
and so on.
It would be an idea to add these in your next release. So I won't try and update again until that gets released.
I hope you can add these options in. Thanks
I believe IP blocking is already implemented in dev version. Email blocking also makes sense.
sam2kb wrote:
I believe IP blocking is already implemented in dev version. Email blocking also makes sense.
Well I haven't not seen that option, Can you tell me where this option is.
This version is not public yet.
sam2kb wrote:
This version is not public yet.
Then you should have said that the option is not available.
I never said that it IS available. I was saying that the feature you requested is most likely already added to the development version.
sam2kb wrote:
I never said that it IS available. I was saying that the feature you requested is most likely already added to the development version.
Sorry, I been running my butt off trying to get things done and I just didn't read it right.
Yeah, we should add a page with all available groups. Anyway, in users list you can click on group name to edit the settings.