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1 Mar 05, 2012 21:13    

Hello, can someone tell me if this bug has been fixed?

When I schedule a post and click on publish it sends the tweet inmediatly althought the post is publish at a specified date.

How can I work this out?

Thank you,

2 Mar 06, 2012 08:53

This is not really a bug. By default all pings and notifications go out immediately after posting. You just need to enable asynchronous pings on General settings > Features and set up the scheduler.

Maybe we should drop pings and notifications if post date is in future...

3 May 16, 2012 10:56

For me it's a bug. If the date is in future, notification should not happen in any case.

Moreover I got this problem when attaching an image in a post.

I begin to write a post. I set the title, I set the date in the future, the visibility to published. I click "Add/Link files" and then the notification was sent even if the post was not finished (I did not click the save button

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