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1 Mar 14, 2012 11:15    


in version 4.1.3, when selecting the admin menu "Posts/Comments" and then the tab "Comments", one gets an error in the part of the code below (I don't know in what file to find it). This is the coma which seems to produce the error (in my instance it's on line 177):

	success: function(result)

The more complete code section is :

// Set comments status
function setCommentStatus( id, status, redirect_to )
	var divid = 'c' + id;
	fadeInStatus( divid, status );
	modifieds[divid] = status;

	var statuses = get_show_statuses();
	var currentpage = get_current_page();
	var item_id = get_itemid();

	type: 'POST',
	url: '',
		{ 'blogid': '2',
			'commentid': id,
			'status': status,
			'action': 'set_comment_status',
			'moderation': 'commentlist',
			'statuses': statuses,
			'itemid': item_id,
			'currentpage': currentpage,
			'redirect_to': redirect_to,
			'crumb_comment': '0a3vqrCSC6s50FOr4V5hMBbwZPpyzHld',
	success: function(result)
			delete modifieds[divid];

I hope you can localize this code ?

2 Mar 28, 2012 04:05

Could you post the exact error you get? Also I assume you see the error in a web browser, what is it and what version?

I can't reproduce the error in FF 11. The comma is on its place. We may want to get rid of the comma at the end of crumb_comment since there's no later items. Could you delete that comma and see if the error is gone.

'crumb_comment': '0a3vqrCSC6s50FOr4V5hMBbwZPpyzHld',

3 Mar 28, 2012 13:55

sam2kb wrote:

Could you post the exact error you get? Also I assume you see the error in a web browser, what is it and what version?

I can't reproduce the error in FF 11. The comma is on its place. We may want to get rid of the comma at the end of crumb_comment since there's no later items. Could you delete that comma and see if the error is gone.

'crumb_comment': '0a3vqrCSC6s50FOr4V5hMBbwZPpyzHld',

You are right. I can't reproduce it either :(
Before posting I tested that the problem existed with MSIE8 and FF11.
Before having this error message, I fumbled a lot with the other problem (error when changing the status in editing).

Sorry. No, in fact happy that to-day I find no error :)

best regards

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