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1 Mar 06, 2012 21:34    


Quick question:

I have an existing page that I want to add b2evolution to.

I want to layout the blog section on a div so I can fit it in around the existing header, footer, and content panel on the page.

I am concerned that the blog module can't be adapted for this use, and that I'll waste a ton of time trying to create a template or skin that matches my site, only to be unable to get the header/footer to appear.

Is it possible to place the entire module on a div?

I want the b2evolution blog to appear here:

Thanks for the advice.


2 Mar 07, 2012 07:41

Welcome to the forums!

If the target page is static HTML you will have to use <iframe> to insert the whole b2evo website into it.

If you are talking about dynamic PHP page, take the a_noskin.php file shipped with b2evolution as a base. Delete everything you don't need from it, and add your HTML and CSS from the page you posted.

3 Mar 09, 2012 04:57

Hi Sam2kb,

Thanks for the iframes hint. That actually worked. I have 2 simple problems left before I'm up and running.

As you can see in this image, my layout does not work with the default header and footer in any skin, including the one with whitespace which I've chosen to match my color-scheme.

How can I edit out the highlighted sections? I'm proficient in css, but I could use a hint to head in the right direction. Is it in the skin definition?

Furthermore, there is this weird, semi-random gap at the bottom of the page when I dynamically grab the height using the iFrame. It seems to come and go, and I wondered if it were possible to eliminate this? This may not be possible, as I realize that the height of the .php page may not be dependable at load-time from the perspective of the parent frame.

Lastly, I'm having trouble centering the iFrame, and I've tried every method I know to align a page element, including using a div. The problem is, if I go more than two divs deep, I no longer get the dynamically generated height (not sure why) and I end up seeing nothing. Here's the code I'm using:

<div style="position: relative; background-image: url(images/subpage_standard_body.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-y; left:25px; width: 1022px; overflow:hidden; z-index: 2;">

<iframe id="blog_frame" src="blog/blog1.php" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" style="overflow:visible; width:822px;display:none"></iframe>


If you have specific experience using iFrames and this blog tool, I'd surely appreciate the help.


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