2 azel Sep 19, 2004 02:49

It's been a while since I saw the initial installation screens, but don't you have an option to upgrade or import from b2? Hold on a sec...lemme check the /install/index.php file...YUP!
<?php echo T_('<strong>Upgrade from Cafelog/b2 v 0.6.x</strong>: Install b2evolution database tables and copy your existing Cafelog/b2 data into them.')?>
I never used this feature because I never had another database to upgrade from, but it seems to me doing the installation and running ...../install/index.php lets you choose to upgrade from b2.
The problem is how Fantastico will do stuff for you. It basically runs the whole installation so you never have to deal with those screens. No problem - let Fantastico do it's thing, especially if it's giving you version DotNinetyTen, then download the package (available by clicking 'download' above this forum) and upload the contents of the install folder. Also download the conf folder from your server that Fantastico made for you because it has all the answers you need to re-do the installation stuff. Then you run ...../install/index.php and check the box for the task you seek. Remember to delete your install folder when you're done. Fantastico did it for you but since you are putting it back up you have to take it down again.
I think this will work for you. The worst that can happen is you spend some time getting frustrated and wonder why oh why the world can't be perfectly spherical instead of this slightly flattened mostly smooth roundish sort of rock we all drift aimlessly through space on.
Using fantasico wil mean you can't upgrade from b2. When you upgrade, you just need to put in your existing db details into the form, and b2evo will be installed into your existing b2 database, and all your old b2 still will still be there, so you can go back without loosing all your old posts (although you will probably never look back, since b2evo kicks ass ;) )
thanks :-D.
i'm going to go try and do that now...
This thread may help you. :)