FWIW, I found it very helpful to start at the evoskins repository, and just work my way through the list of available skins. I paid attention to the modules/features shown, downloaded the ones of interest, then played copy and paste to add whichever feature to my preferred skin, or to revise the layout itself. I recall that several of the skins show a listing of blogs running across the top, or in a side column, which seems to be what you're interested in seeing.
FWIW, I found it very helpful to start at the evoskins repository, and just work my way through the list of available skins. I paid attention to the modules/features shown, downloaded the ones of interest, then played copy and paste to add whichever feature to my preferred skin, or to revise the layout itself. I recall that several of the skins show a listing of blogs running across the top, or in a side column, which seems to be what you're interested in seeing.