2 sam2kb Jul 25, 2012 20:59
Then you probably forgot to upload those files since there's no function in b2evo that deletes PHP files from server.
Just try to upload the files again overwriting existing.
I deleted them. The instructions said to delete EVERYTHING.
Where in the b2 upgrade package can I find them if they weren't in the blogs folder?
You need a complete package, not a patch. Click the green button on this page
That's what I have. That's where it came from. None of the .php files from the new version installed, nor the sample.htaccess, nor the .htaccess. Uploaded my previous copies of these from the backup, and updated the .htaccess with the script the installation said was needed, but all I get is an internal server error with the .htaccess which goes away if I remove it. But if I then enter domain.name/index.php (I set up an index.html to let my readers know I'm upgrading) it comes up a blank white page.
Can you post a link?
None of the .php files from the new version installed
What do you mean? You [u]must[/u] upload the files from /blogs folder, otherwise nothing will work.
OK, thanks, I got that taken care of and all uploaded.
But on installation, I got this, though the first time I didn't have that problem and it all went well and sent me to admin.
Installer for version 4.1.5 b2evolution
After install: Blogs · Admin Current installation: Install menu · PHP info
Upgrading b2evolution...
Checking files...
Preparing to install .htaccess ... Install successful.
Upgrading data in existing b2evolution database...
Loading module: _core/model/__core.install.php
Loading module: collections/model/_collections.install.php
Loading module: files/model/_files.install.php
Loading module: sessions/model/_sessions.install.php
Loading module: messaging/model/_messaging.install.php
Loading module: maintenance/model/_maintenance.install.php
Checking DB schema version... 10200 : OK.
An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
MySQL error!
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '), (12, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (11, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ' at line 1(Errno=1064)
Your query: Invalidate blogs's page caches
REPLACE INTO evo_coll_settings ( cset_coll_ID, cset_name, cset_value )
VALUES (1, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (12, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (11, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (2, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (3, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (5, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (8, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (10, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (4, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (13, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (7, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (6, "last_invalidation_timestamp", ), (9, "last_invalidation_timestamp", )
It's a bug. Replace the function in file /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php starting on line 4043
function invalidate_pagecaches()
global $DB, $Settings, $servertimenow;
// get current server time
$timestamp = ( empty( $servertimenow ) ? time() : $servertimenow );
// get all blog ids
if( $blog_ids = $DB->get_col( 'SELECT blog_ID FROM T_blogs' ) )
{ // build invalidate query
$query = 'REPLACE INTO T_coll_settings ( cset_coll_ID, cset_name, cset_value ) VALUES';
foreach( $blog_ids as $blog_id )
$query .= ' ('.$blog_id.', "last_invalidation_timestamp", '.$timestamp.' ),';
$query = substr( $query, 0, strlen( $query ) - 1 );
$DB->query( $query, 'Invalidate blogs\'s page caches' );
// Invalidate general cache content also
$Settings->set( 'last_invalidation_timestamp', $timestamp );
OK, Thank you very much.
Looking at the new Custom skin now displayed, there were some changes I had made previously that I would like to incorporate again, such as underling the links to make them visible, and not displaying the link blog, but I can't find the skin editor to edit the sidebar and css file.
Have they eliminated this, or where is it hidden?
This is keeping me up all night!
I found the css and index files for the custom skin through cpanel. For decoration I put in underline, which not only underlined the links, but the headlines of the posts, as well. Not cool.
The index file contains the sidebar and footer, but everything is in containers rather than calling specific items that can be deleted or changed.
So I renamed my old Custom skin Custom1, uploaded and installed it, but when I apply it to a blog, I get the following:
An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
The skin [custom1] set for blog [Flyers] does not exist. It must be properly set in the blog properties or properly overriden in a stub file.
Is there a fix so I can use it. I much prefer the old look and being able to see how many guest users were online at once. Also, I don't like showing the link blog.
Skin editor was removed, you can edit the files directly any way.
You can't use old skins. The sidebar has been transformed to show widgets. Go to Blog settings > Widgets tab to change them.
As for CSS changes, you must be more specific when you are applying styles.
Let's say instead of writing
a { whatever }
you should be doing something like this
.bText a { whatever }
Thank you very much for your help. Much appreciated.
Now if I can only get the blog to stop displaying the contents of the link blog on the main blog, I will be very happy.
I have the same problem. Installed v4.1.5 with Softaculous to a sub domain http://blog.canal-rats-lair.co.uk updated to v4.1.5b but not installed. I just keep getting a 500 error. I can read the html files but the php files just will not load. I uploaded the update files using FileZilla and all the files look to be there but I cannot read them in my browser. The install folder, I can read the index.html but when I click the link to install the script I get the 500 error. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Welcome to the forums!
Do you see these files if you FTP to the website? How did you upgrade, did you use any kind of automatic installer like fantastico or softaculous?