My b2evolution Version: 4.0.5
My blog seems frozen and anything I click on comes up with the following error. It was working fine the last time I logged in. Any Ideas??
I'm not sure what current platform I'm on so can you let me know as I may need to update.
An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
MySQL error!
Incorrect file format 'evo_sessions'(Errno=130)
Your query:
SELECT sess_ID, sess_key, sess_data, sess_user_ID
FROM evo_sessions
WHERE sess_ID = '159388'
AND sess_key = 'e2bTLKFelNwta1utgC41p0mTXlpHMwz3'
AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(sess_lastseen) > 1346748608
go to phpmyadmin and try repairing sessions table, if that doesnt do it, empty your sessions table (yes it is safe to empty this table, just your users will have to relog) and you should be fine i guess