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1 Oct 01, 2012 09:34    

My b2evolution Version: 3.x

I'd like to number the comments on each post, so that post X has comment 1, 2, 3, etc. and post Y (etc) has all of its comments numbered as well.

I've searched the forums, but haven't seen anything that discusses this... Is it possible? I know that comment IDs aren't specific to their posts, but rather in the order they're made, which doesn't help in this case.

2 Oct 01, 2012 17:20

Well, i guess you could wrap your comments div (.bComment) with <li> and use sth like:
.bComment li {list-style-type: decimal;}

3 Oct 01, 2012 21:36

That almost works - I'm trying to make it so the the text of the permalink for each comment is the number.

Ie. < a href= "etc"> 1. </a>

The only way to get this to work using a decimal styling is to have the < li>< /li> in the text option of the array for the permalink. This causes the link to be outside of the li (ie. < a href etc ></a>< li></li>) and it also loses the styling of the link.

I hope that made sense... ;)

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