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1 Oct 16, 2012 06:23    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x

I am very new to this blogsite, the only problem that is giving me headache right now is how to work around my blogsite.
I mean editing,uploading new materials, picture and everything that has to do with my blog. I have not been able to do this for quite some time now and it is giving me so much problem.
Can you please highlight the step-by-step approach to doing this?

I will appreciate your prompt response in this regard.


Ajibola Adedoye

2 Oct 17, 2012 10:22

I'd start with the manual:
Some things are probably out of date, but most of the basics are there. Of course, I may be misunderstanding you, so if you have a specific problem and can't find the info there (or a search of the forums), post more info.

3 Oct 17, 2012 15:56

This is the second time of posting and asking for answers to the problem of handling my blogsite. I sensed that the reason why I could not find any answer to my problem was because I put-up many questions at the same time.

So, I will like to know the step-by-step approach to posting new blogs on my blogsite.

4 Oct 17, 2012 19:34

Again, if you take a look at the manual, you'll find an intro to using your b2evolution installation. There's a link there that says "how to add content", try that.

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