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1 Dec 22, 2004 16:21    

[]here[/url] is my blog...notice the white space down the right hand side? what am i looking for to get rid of that, cuz it's doing my head in! it was fine last night and ive not changed anything!! your help is very much appreciated :)

2 Dec 22, 2004 17:16

It looks different in IE and Mozilla. In Mozilla I'm seeing the blue background image under the left side of your bPosts side. I imagine that's because the transparent image you're linking to in wrapper is actually transparent. IE doesn't do transparent, so it sees it as white. The white space along the right beyond the sidebar is your background image. Center your blue-edged background image and do away with the reference to the transparent one - that should address the bulk of your visualisms.

Visit and dig on all the groovy details. You should also fix a few minor issues with your xhtml so you can validate your css. Valid code is groovy.

3 Dec 22, 2004 17:39

problem is it's not the background that's the problem. if you look in IEX, it's the blog that needs to be centred, as there's a larger space on the right hand side than the left... any ideas on that? if i send you my custom.css would that help? i honestly dont remember changing anything!

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