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1 Jan 08, 2005 00:46    

I am installing b2evolution again, after the demise of my host and the loss of my previous blog, but I am getting this error on installation this time around.

MySQL error!

Table 'evo_groups' already exists(Errno=1050)

Your query:
CREATE TABLE evo_groups ( grp_ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, grp_name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', grp_perm_blogs enum('user','viewall','editall') NOT NULL default 'user', grp_perm_stats enum('none','view','edit') NOT NULL default 'none', grp_perm_spamblacklist enum('none','view','edit') NOT NULL default 'none', grp_perm_options enum('none','view','edit') NOT NULL default 'none', grp_perm_users enum('none','view','edit') NOT NULL default 'none', grp_perm_templates TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY grp_ID (grp_ID) )

I didn't see it on the few other SQL error messages.

Any suggestions?

2 Jan 08, 2005 02:09

MySQL error!

Table 'evo_groups' already exists(Errno=1050)

it told you the error. the tables already exist. youre reinstalling but you didnt drop the tables. either drop the tables or pick another prefix to use ....

inside _advanced.php

// ** DB table names **

 * database tables' names
 * (change them if you want to have multiple b2's in a single database)
$tableposts      = 'evo_posts';
$tableusers      = 'evo_users';
$tablesettings   = 'evo_settings';
$tablecategories = 'evo_categories';
$tablecomments   = 'evo_comments';
$tableblogs      = 'evo_blogs';
$tablepostcats   = 'evo_postcats';
$tablehitlog     = 'evo_hitlog';
$tableantispam   = 'evo_antispam';
$tablegroups     = 'evo_groups';
$tableblogusers  = 'evo_blogusers';
$tablelocales    = 'evo_locales';

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