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1 Jan 30, 2005 03:20    

Hi, I think I've stumbled across a pretty strange bug. I'm running b2evo Here is my [url=]blog[/url].

I noticed, for some reason, that certain posts of mine were showing up on the front page and being pushed to RSS/ATOM, but would not render when accessed through their permalink. By this I mean, when you pointed at the post with a permalink, it would display:

Sorry, there is no post to display...

I noticed one common thing between posts that this would happen with: each had the string "p2p" in them (posts about peer-to-peer technology).

I did a little playing around and figured out that this happens with any post that I publish with the letter "p" followed by a number (it can be any number). For some reason "2p" works and so does "2d" but "p[0-9]" anywhere in the permalink title triggers this bug.

Here's a solid example. Linked off of my [url=]blog's main page[/url] is a post entitled "TEST of 'p-numeral' bug". This post is also showing up in RSS/ATOM, which you can verify [url=]here[/url]. The permalink to this post is this ([url=]link[/url]):

You can see that it doesn't render when you access the post through the permalink. I can imagine this is because the "p#" sintax is used by b2evo as a short-hand for speficying posts, no?

Anyway, until I figure this out, I'll have to use "ptop"... which is really no big deal.

Looking at the google results for the query "Sorry, there is no post to display..." shows only one other person that might have this problem... using the URL:

2 Jan 30, 2005 03:39

Please excuse the extremely technical nature of this reply: like wow dude!

Have you tried it with fancypants-urls turned off? I always forget the name but the checkbox that gives you domain/year/month/whatever/title. I manually went to ?p=446 and could see your test post "permalink style". The only reason I ask is to learn more, not that I can fix it or anything. I'm just wondering if is it an issue with p-numeral always or p-numeral with clean urls?

3 Jan 30, 2005 03:46

EdB wrote:

Have you tried it with fancypants-urls turned off?

Great question... so I just turned it off and tested it. Then turned it back on and tested it... the url ([url=]link[/url]):

Does work (with the fancy-pants checkbox checked or not)... so it seems to be an issue with AcceptPathInfo stuff (fancy URLs).

4 Jan 30, 2005 04:04

I just put up a test post called "testing a thing p4" cuz I figured that should snag on the bug. I have looks/like/folders urls turned on, and my permalink works. Currently shows the post and shows a p-numeral in the title leads to the post.

I find it interesting is that your permalink url looks like a correct url. To my shallow mind that implies b2evo is not properly unconverting the url to a post ID, but what do I know? Seeing where a similar url works for me makes me wonder about the servers involved, not that I know anything about servers.

5 Jan 30, 2005 06:24

Are we running different versions of b2evo?

6 Jan 30, 2005 07:01 with pretty much rampant hacking, but (AFAIK) nothing that goes near permalink generation and the too/man/folders/url_method.

My understanding is the steps ever since 0.9.* have been baby-steps, but I could be wrong. There may be significant changes in how the clean urls are interpreted. Funny though that it can make them but not turn them into a post again.

Wait a sec... let me change that test post to match title and title_url to yours... Okay still serves up the page.

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