2 jko Feb 15, 2005 19:41

To show the oldest post first, you do this
Uncomment this line (it is on the top of your stub-file)
# Additionnaly, you can set other values (see URL params in the manual)...
$order = 'ASC'; // This for example would display the blog in chronological order...
Topanga wrote:
To show the oldest post first, you do this
Uncomment this line (it is on the top of your stub-file)
# Additionnaly, you can set other values (see URL params in the manual)... $order = 'ASC'; // This for example would display the blog in chronological order...
I'd like my archives to show in ascending order, but the default use of the blog to show in descending order. I.E. When showing .../2005/01 it should show from the first to the 31st.
To do this I need to use $order = 'ASC' somewhere. Where?
This is not anymore for dummy's
you are entering the core.
In the file _class_archivelist.php you will find on line 110 this
$this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_issue_date) AS year, MONTH(post_issue_date) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT postcat_post_ID) AS count
FROM (T_posts INNER JOIN T_postcats ON ID = postcat_post_ID)
INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
GROUP BY year, month
ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC
i'm shure you can find there the things to alter.
But you are doing it in the core, so it will effect all of your installation.
What I did:
I edited the file my_path/b2evocore/blog_main.php
and changed
param( 'order', 'string', 'DESC', true ); // ASC or DESC
param( 'order', 'string', 'ASC', true ); // ASC or DESC
If you use a stub file, there's a setting in that to set newest or oldest first.
Do a search for "sticky" for one post at the top always. It's been a feature request for a while I believe, but whoo has a new trick called "snips" which may be of use.