1 agent86 Feb 20, 2005 04:45
3 agent86 Feb 20, 2005 10:13
Thanks. I know how to write. I missed the other two things.
I now have the blog link at the top of my screen so people can switch and the linkblog down the side.
I want to bring to the top of the page a couple of manually entered links with description, not the links blog that shows lower down.
For a Start just a link and description for people to go to my Flickr site.
Thanks for your kind reply where clearly I should have worked some of this out myself.
4 graham Feb 20, 2005 13:15
If you just want to add random html, it goes in skins/yourskinname/_main.php
agent86 wrote:
under the blog tab in your admin area.. there should be 4 blogs there, assuming you diidnt delete them ..clicking the blog name brings up the options for each blog. in the options for each blog you will see "Default display options" Set those as you described above, its very straight-forward.
Once you have done that to add links to the linkblog you simply go into the "write" tab, highlight the blog youre posting to, and put in something.
Pretty basic stuff. If you havent deleted your blogs.