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1 Feb 26, 2005 23:07    

How would I go about doing this? Creating a template were I have two columns, each column the same width (and Identical for all practical purposes, but being different blogs. Is this easy for someone new to b2evolution? are there any instructions that I'm missing for this?

Thanks in advance!

2 Feb 27, 2005 19:57

OK, i figured it out in the multiblogs.php file. It was much less painful than expected and fit the layout I had in mind perfectly. If anyone wants to critique or knows this better than me, the address is

3 Feb 27, 2005 20:03

Well done! I've tinkered with the multiblog and summary pages, but never got something I thought was any good. If I didn't know better I never would have guessed it was the multi-blog page.

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