1 taxmanno Mar 06, 2005 14:17
3 taxmanno Mar 16, 2005 22:49
Thanks..That did do the work.
I got a little feel about the coding, but don't want to f..k it all up with deleting stuff i really don't understand.
OK - next project, remove those referenses (latest referenses and top referances). Anyone??
4 topanga Mar 16, 2005 22:56
at the same place as you found the 'syndicate this blog'
<?php if (! $stats)
{ ?>
<div class="bSideItem">
<h3><?php echo T_('Recent Referers') ?></h3>
<?php refererList(5,'global',0,0,'no','',($blog>1)?$blog:''); ?>
<?php while($row_stats = mysql_fetch_array($res_stats)){ ?>
<li><a href="<?php stats_referer() ?>"><?php stats_basedomain() ?></a></li>
<?php } // End stat loop ?>
<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('blogstatsurl') ?>"><?php echo T_('more...') ?></a></li>
<br />
<h3><?php echo T_('Top Referers') ?></h3>
<?php refererList(5,'global',0,0,'no','baseDomain',($blog>1)?$blog:''); ?>
<?php while($row_stats = mysql_fetch_array($res_stats)){ ?>
<li><a href="<?php stats_referer() ?>"><?php stats_basedomain() ?></a></li>
<?php } // End stat loop ?>
<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('blogstatsurl') ?>"><?php echo T_('more...') ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
it is very simple.
If you see something that you don't want, go look into _main.php of the skin that you are using.
Look for a line that is similar to what you are looking for and read a bit the explanation in the file.
You mostly will see what bunch of codeline are together.
5 oriana Mar 17, 2005 17:46
Easy way to not fsck things up, you back up your skin (blogfoldernamethingthere/skins/custom) then try deleting random (well, not so random) parts of it and see how it turns out. :D
6 taxmanno Mar 18, 2005 20:58
I'm on it - deleting and learning :-)
Hopefully I will succed in my efforts.
Thanks to everybode for the input.
To remove the "Syndicate this blog" go through _main.php (in the custom skin folder.... or look for _main.php in your admin panel (under "template") and delete the following:
It should be near the end, a little past "linkblcg"...
And to remove the four buttons at the bottom, delete:
That should be near the very end.
...Hope this all helps!