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1 Mar 08, 2005 18:30    

I just got an email telling me I had a trackback on one of my entries. Followed the edit/delete link to the post, and lo and behold it is a draft entry.

So how did a guest user get a trackback onto a draft entry? How would they even see a draft entry?

Here's the trackback message from my mailbox:

New trackback on your post #117 ""

Website: eb4ed70 (IP: ,
<strong>eb4ed70</strong><br />66d5f679acfe300c025feb438a87f65c 50.


Can't help but think they're probing a weak spot. I searched but didn't see anything about this in the forum so far. Let me know what you think, and if you need any additional information.

Also: Having trouble posting from Internet Explorer. Seems to work okay in Firefox, though.

2 Mar 08, 2005 18:55

not only can you get a trackback to a draft post, you can get a trackback to a post in the future .. it, the latter, is already documented on this forum. Its an unresolved issue as far I know. It was also an issue in WP, but they have resolved it, if i reme correctly. Im bored so i will hunt around for their fix, and maybe a similar one can be adopted for b2evo.

edit: I did find the WP fix, Ill see what I can do about making that implementable in b2evo.. trouble is it will be largely untestable unless I want to build a form to remotely submit comments/trackbacks.

If anyone else is interested in doing this, the corresponding fix for WP is here>

Once again, thats a WP fix, do NOT attempt to fix a b2evo blog using that, it wont work, and youll fsck your blog looking for the code.

3 Mar 08, 2005 19:17

So as far as the future posts go, we're just not checking to see if it's a valid post ID before we enter the comment against it. This should be relatively easy to fix.

As far as a crap shoot post, I guess it won't be easy to trap those. If it hits a valid post ID, the application won't know any better than to let the thing in.

If I ever get any spare time I might take a look at this and see if I can plug the future/draft hole, anyway.

Thanks for the info...

4 Mar 08, 2005 19:25

Weevil wrote:

So as far as the future posts go, we're just not checking to see if it's a valid post ID before we enter the comment against it. This should be relatively easy to fix.

youre welcome, and yes, thats correct.. i beleive the same hold true for comments and trackbacks,

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