2 yabba Mar 15, 2005 16:46

Where's the link to b2evolution.net?
dont see one, heh, no surprise :roll:
Yes, I'm sorry, the link will be there soon, once i get my pagefooter working.
thanks for your help, but there is one small problem. It displays the date as well, I only want the hour and the minutes. You have a suggestion.
<?php stats_time('H:i:s') ?>
You probably can put a php time format inside the parentheses ()
[url=http://ca3.php.net/date]formats options are here[/url]
or just try stats_time("g:iA") for H:MM[AM/PM] :)
okay super, thanks guys.
in skins/stats.php find :-
<li><a href="<?php stats_referer() ?>"><?php stats_basedomain() ?></a></li>
and change it to :-
<li><a href="<?php stats_referer() ?>"><?php stats_basedomain() ?> <?php stats_time() ?></a></li>