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1 Mar 22, 2005 21:15    

ok this should be a lot simpler, I want my blog setup to be like this maybe in a different order, anyone have any hints clues ideas, something to help me out? At this point I dont even know what files to edit. I have been toying around with _main.php but I havent been successful.

2 Mar 22, 2005 22:11

You are in the right file.

What you have to change is :

<?php $Item->feedback_link( 'comments' ) // Link to comments ?>

Change it to

<?php $Item->feedback_link('comments',"there "," for me","is not yet any kiss","is already 1 lover","are %d kisses")// Link to comments ?>

or something you want....

Template function: Displays link to feedback page (under some conditions)

void feedback_link( [ string $type = 'feedbacks' ] , [ string $before = '' ] , [ string $after = '' ] , [ string $zero = '#' ] , [ string $one = '#' ] , [ string $more = '#' ] , [ string $title = '#' ] , [ boolean $use_popup = '#' ] , [ boolean $hideifnone = '#' ] , [ string $mode = '' ] , [ string $blogurl = '' ] ) 
string   $type:  Type of feedback to link to (feedbacks (all)/comments/trackbacks/pingbacks)  
string   $before:  String to display before the link (if comments are to be displayed)  
string   $after:  String to display after the link (if comments are to be displayed)  
string   $zero:  Link text to display when there are 0 comments  
string   $one:  Link text to display when there is 1 comment  
string   $more:  Link text to display when there are >1 comments (include %d for # of comments)  
string   $title:  Link title  
boolean   $use_popup:  true to use a popup windows ('#' to use if comments_popup_windows() is there)  
boolean   $hideifnone:  true to hide if no feedback ('#' for default)  
string   $mode:  'pid' or 'title'  
string   $blogurl:  url to use  

3 Mar 22, 2005 22:37

Thanks, for your help I was really little lost lol, now about the bottom part, what exactly does it do?

4 Mar 22, 2005 22:41

the bottom part was just the explanation of the code.
If you wanted something else but 'there are kisses for me'.. ;)

5 Mar 22, 2005 22:41

That's all the variables you can use to modify the feedback link.

6 Mar 22, 2005 23:13

ok I got all this, the last thing is how can I make my blog take up the entire page instead of just half?

7 Mar 23, 2005 02:19

honey, this is a CSS/HTML question.. please ask in the [url=]appropriate forum[/url] (and give some code examples or a test link).

I can strongly recommend using Firefox with the Webdeveloper extension, which is a toolbar that allows to outline divs, table cells and so much more.[/url]

9 Mar 26, 2005 20:40

i see all the options up there but I know 0 about php, and I dont know exactly wht parts to add where. please help someone.

11 Mar 27, 2005 01:22

I dont have the original b2 so I dont know how I am supposed to "copy" something from a file that I dont have. and I just thought it would be easier to just keep all my questions in one threade so I did not have to go look/ create 50 different threads. :)

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