2 personman Mar 25, 2005 02:03

I don't like installing to the web root because it puts so many files there and generally clutters things up. I have several CMSs installed and I like each one to be in its own folder. So, I installed it in a folder called /b2evo/, but in the config file I set the base url to be the web root. Then I edited some lines in the conf/_advanced.php to tell it where to find the folders it needs. So I changed
$conf_subdir = '/conf'; // Subdirectory relative to base
$conf_subdir = 'b2e/conf'; // Subdirectory relative to base
and so on with the other subdirectories.
You will need to move your index.php file to the web root. I create stub files in the web root when I'm making new blogs.
Hi personman...
just redirect your side ;-)
You have to save an index.php into your root (be sure to delete an existing index.html)
with this content:
header ("Location: http://www.mysite.com/weblog/index.php");
or save an index.html with an head-tag like this:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://mysite.com" >
without any body.
or you can run it in a frame fpr all the "older" browsers, that aren't abel to redirect
<META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<FRAME SRC="http://mysite.com/weblog/index.php" NAME="Mysite">
have fun!
When I settled on my solution I was being pretty picky about how my permalinks would look. A redirect would make the add the install directory in to the permalink urls. A minor difference, but for me it was worth the work up front.
The easy way to do it is to install b2evo in your web root. Just copy everything in /blogs to / through FTP. You'll have to change the config file and maybe re-run the install script. So, if you haven't done much with your blog yet, then you may just want to do a fresh install, copying the contents of the blogs folder to the web root and setting it up from scratch. But I don't like it that way . . .