2 village_idiot Mar 26, 2005 03:01

Maybe there is a chance.
PHPbb is a way advanced forum, you can spend long time reaching it's power. If you let to use the PHPbb for the comments, you convert the B2evolution into good for any purpose, you make it into something what is beyond a diary.
right, but there are a lot of bloggers who don't need/like such a powerful "comment-forum".
kiesow wrote:
right, but there are a lot of bloggers who don't need/like such a powerful "comment-forum".
But you can start a discussion, a philosofical blog this way instead of just throwing thoughts. Once you propose this to the people, many may like it. It was no blogs until some time ago and it got widespread. This might be the same.
phpBB is a forum, b2evolution is a blog ..
what you proposed in your original post is just what i said : its an addon for phpBB, NOT an addon for any blog package. And in actuality, it almost already exists (see the very end of this post)
Not to stifle the conversation here, but why not take your ideas to the good people over at phpbb.com and let them expand upon phpBB ? I can tell you why they wont -- for the same reasons you will prolly never see exactly what you suggested in a blog package :
Its called "focus", and it is exactly why software devs tend to dismiss ideas such as yours .. you lose the focus on the original intent of the application.
Applications like wordpress, b2evo (blogging packages) are meant to be BLOGS, branching off, as it were, RATHER than improving the core features of the current application(s) is typically not a good idea.
1.You introduce more things to fix, rather than fixing the things that already need attention.
2. You end up with BLOATED, and usually unfunctional software.
3. You open that door of trying to please everyone, and NOT being able to, including the core users which just want a blog.
Its like a building a car that can fly, rather than making the car drive on roads better, improving the tires, etc..
To finish, if you want a forum, install one, you want a blog install one. They serve different uses, they provide different features. End of story.
End of post:
There are MORE than enough applications already using or modifying an extisting install of phpBB that allow you to post, as it were to a portal page, and allow comments to be made to the forum itself. Ever heard of phpnuke? There are several smaller mods for phpBB, like ezportal that simulate nuke without the extra bloat.
Go there, and leave the developers of b2evo to work on making a better blog package.
Thank you. And everybody who needs the comments to be a forum, check this out:
yes :) if you REALLY want something simple that will display "like" phpnuke take a look at smartor's ezportal ...with a little bit of tweeking you can accomplish exactly what you suggested in your first post :)
mxportal takes quite a bit more work, btw ...
And, just as another 2p-worth - there's actually a rather neat blog mod for phpbb2 - http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=226958
The older version of this mod did exactly as you are describing. It created a topic based on a blog entry. A blog owner was the only person allowed to start new toupics and could restrict access to usergroups. In actual fact, it's just a little fiddle using the permissions in phpbb2.
Thank you.
good luck -- youre chances of getting anything like included in a defualt b2evo package are slim to none. so you plan on writing this then? ;)
The phpbb tables and the b2evo tables can crosstalk with a little work btw. it HAS been discussed here before. Use the search.
reading over the details i dont even see why you need a blog to accomplish that.. why not just use phpBB, make a post, and let ppl "comment" within the thread. thats basically what it is anyway
Im not trying to be snarky by any means but everything you mentioned actually seems like a blog addon for phpBB rather than a forum addon for b2evo.