2 graham Mar 26, 2005 11:55

Hi Graham
You mention "the next version." Can we try it out?
the 'next' version is under construction in CVS.
So if you know CVS, you can pick it up there(without any warranty that it will work today)
If you don't know CVS (like me) than you will have to wait till it is mature (no date set)
Thank you for telling me Topanga.
I am not meaning to brag (I am pretty mediocre with computers) but CVS is surprisingly easy. If it is just a question not knowing how, you should try. You just install some software.
I have a CVS tool called [url=http://www.tortoisecvs.org/]tortoise CVS[/url] installed in my computer at work. When I right click folders it gives me an option to set up a CVS link (?) to somewhere. Then I gave the address of the CVS of my favourite open source project. Thereafter if I right click again and select update it will do just that.
But I am more concerned about stability. Are you using the next version Graham?
Is there a list of things that it attempts to do. A [url=http://b2evolution.net/man/2004/06/16/unified_process]roadmap[/url]? No apparently the developers do not believe in it. This may be sound developmentally but it is not going to help with community building. Folks like to have vision, methinks. As noted elsewhere, b2evolution is the best, least known software.
But then, recently I have been thinking of using MediaWiki instead but then they don't even have forums!
My reason to not deal with the CVS-version is - more than any other reason - just that I'm happy with the today-version and that I prefer spending my time helping on the forum, dealing with the antispamlist and creating content for my site.
Fair enough. If I do upgrade to CVS, I will try and post about the new functions.
I can't stress this enough. It's highly unlikely you'll be able to ever upgrade from it, it's broken in a lot of places, unfinished in others. It's the development version.
And no, I don't use it. I have a copy running locally for testing purposes, and that's it. I run .11, since I haven't got around to putting all my hacks into a .12 install yet.
Marty wrote:
I think that b2evo should provide web-based file management function.
We can manage uploaded images and files by browser...
pLog and some blog provide this function early B)
I'm using wordpress on another domain of mine, and I'm wondering if the way they manage files is similar to what you're thinking. Like, if I upload a php file into my theme folder, it immediately becomes editable from within the admin pages. I love that feature of wordpress and it has made php includes and php scripts very easy to tweak and implement.
It's already in the next version.