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1 Apr 09, 2005 11:51    

Many b2evo users have gmail email accounts. Gmail requires a SSL connection for POP3 access and the getmail.php functions (and corresponding _advanced.php settings) do not currently support SSL.

At least, that's why *I think* it's not possible to make a 'blog-by-email' connection to the server.

SSL support for POP3 blog-by-email would allow users the ability to blog-by-email using gmail (and any other POP3 provider that requires such a Secure Socket Layer connection).


2 Dec 01, 2006 23:19

This has been added in by now right?!?

3 Dec 02, 2006 00:17

bobber205 ... you know, I don't know :(

I haven't had time to extensively test the v1.8.x blog by email features (other than to confirm that "they work"). Haven't tested with gMail.


4 Dec 04, 2006 20:30

I've found that there may be a local solution anyway with POP3.

I tried searching the site but nothing came up about POP3... :(

EDIT: Oh goodie. The local solution requires SSL also. Noooooo! :p

5 Jan 03, 2007 19:57

I guess b2evolutions devs dont' like SSL. Alot! :roll:

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