2 marcdk Apr 05, 2005 02:38

i dont. theres one for wp and i dont use it.
its all just a bunch of <p></p> with some images tossed in.
i dont need an editor to show me that, and besides isnt that what the preview button is for?
The one in Typo3 is able to produce valid code and helps a lot.
One option is to use a external editor like Ecto - this is the way I do all my blogging. You will need a updated xmlrpc module for this - post me if you'd like this.
Nucleus has a WYSIWYG editor and it's great! I have three blogs, two in b2evolution and one in Nucleus. b2 is preferred however, the Nucleus WYSIWYG is awesome!
You can use FCKeditor with B2 easily enough
I saw instructions posted here once using FCKeditor but they were incomplete and a friend here was asking about how to use it w/b2 and got no response.
I find it quite surprising that there isn't at least the possibility to change the color/format of the text in the editor
Isn't blogging about simplicity and rapidity ?
What about bold/italic/underline and centered/justified buttons ? and a selection of colors ?
Sorry if this is planned for the next released.
I've heard of at least one person working on a wysiwyg plugin for b2evolution 1.8.
wouldn't have to be totally wysiwyg, but having choice of colors, font size and formatting, without having to type in the html code, (like on any forum) would seem a minimum.
It would be neat to be able to get [URL=http://www.writely.com/]WRITELY[/URL] to publish to B2
It's a great editor..
So, Phoenix 1.8 won't be released with a wysiwg text editor? Will it have the same text editor of the former versions? :(
(and: when will Phoenix be released?)
Yeah, virtually every other CMS and Blogging application features WYSIWYG. This is the primary reason I'm looking for an alternative to b2evo.
b2evo's popularity will be limited as long as it doesn't support features that are popular, such as Digg This, and support for Writely.
It's too bad. b2evo goes 90% of the way but stumbles when it comes to functionality.
There is a tinymce plugin in development. You can get it from sourceforge here through svn. If that's a problem I can give you a zip file. The plugin seems to work, but it requires you to turn off the html checker (which is a security risk). My thoughts on this are similar to whoo. I prefer seeing the code while I'm writing it.
I looked at the [url=http://www.seoegghead.com/blog/seo/how-to-get-dugg-digg-for-wordpress-plugin-p113.html]DiggThis plugin for wordpress[/url]. That shouldn't be hard to turn into a b2evolution plugin. Would you want it to work like the wordpress version?
I also logged into writely and looked at the blog posting feature. I tried with all of the blogging apis that b2evolution supports. It could pass the test, but gave an error on trying to post. I suggest you start a thread in the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewforum.php?f=8]feature request forum[/url] about getting the api to work with writely. Digg also allows blog posting, but I've never been able to get it to work with b2evolution. Maybe the api needs to be revised.
Remember that this is free software created by volunteers. If you want it to improve the best way is to learn some php and start helping. The second best way is to ask for a feature nicely and in the proper place, explaining clearing how you would like it to work and providing any research that might help.
I have been able to post to my blog from writely. I used the MetaWeblog format, typed in the name of the blog, then added a tag to match a category on that blog and posted. Seems to work just fine.
I've done that on the same way...
But as all AJAXians some times have erros:
Yes... I would love to have something like this...
This exists at http://plugins.b2evolution.net/index.php/2006/11/15/tinymce with a forum thread about it at http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=9898
I've been unable to get FCKEditor to work in any of the 2.X versions. I keep getting a "Toolbar Set 0 cannot be found" error message.
Here's my idea. Bundle FCKEdit, TinyMCE, and NicEdit with the application as plug ins.
Allow the user to pick which one they want at any given time.
In further reflection on this, I'd like to see each user be able to select which interface they're comfortable with in their blog settings.
come on. Don't tell me that nobody cares about it.