2 fplanque Oct 26, 2003 12:31

in source preview it says iso-8859-1
i'm using noskin_a
i'm using ie6 (but it doesnt matter, does it)
i wonder where do you change locate charset option?
Check the language for blog a in the blog conf screen. Have you set it to russian?
If yes, check line 51 of noskin_a. It should read:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php locale_charset() ?>" />
yes, i can see russian on the page where you edit and browse new posts.
but i cant see it in preview area.
so this
<?php locale_charset() ?>
takes info out of
'ru_RU' => array( // Russian, RUSSIA
'charset' => 'windows-1251',
'datefmt' => 'd.m.y',
'timefmt' => 'H:i:s',
this, right?
in summary.php it displays all russian stuff. but when I click on a link -> it brings me to noskin_all.php and it doesn't show me normal russian - it shows symbols. I tried to reply to the post, encoding still was ISO, but comment is showing correctly.
Once again: Check the language for "blog a" in the blog configuration screen (NOT in the browse/edit/post screens !)
In your browser, do a view source for one of your pages and find the line that looks like:
what does it say? 'windows-1251' or 'iso-8859-1' ?
what page are you referring to?
what skin?
what browser are you using?
does 'windows-1251' include standard ASCII in the lower 7 bits?