2 kiesow Jan 25, 2004 22:08

Here are the features what i suggest to incorporate in the upcoming releases:
I dunno if it is already implemented in b2evo, but I think static archive pages could be useful feature/hack.
Another thingy, related posts (you are right, capstolo... ) It may be implemented by walking/searching through posts in the same weblog category or via keywords in all posts.
Search word highlight (guess it's already done, but not working for me... )
WYSIWYG editor (my current headache )
Search field selector (topic only, topic and body, search for keyword on the web)
Limit how many posts to show on the main page, other will apear as the links before "next page" link (not so usefull)
Better File manager (I know it's on TODO list... www.pmachine.com has a nice one)
MORE user levels! This is essential, in order to make b2evolution more flexible and powerfull.
Blog category subscribtion. Notification system for members/subscribers who want to be informed about certain category updates. It can be a mailinglist or similar with links (or link and excerpt from new post)
And comments on/off feature when posting a new topic is the *must*
Hmm, what more?..
comments open/closed will be in 0.8.9
mg wrote:
via keywords would be great.
mg wrote:
[x] vote
mg wrote:
on, off, closed
off should show no comments and closed should show old comments but don't allow new ones.
maybe a "closed comments after x days"-function would also be nice.
mg wrote:
custom fields :-) for ratings, moods, listening to, ...
btw: is there a wishlist? i haven't found any.