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1 May 15, 2005 17:55    

How can I have B2Evo return an error if someone tries to put a url in the comments - looking to deny href and http:// and www. -

I see in conf/formatting.php theres this
URI schemes allowed for URLs in comments and user profiles:

So I tried removing href and http and https - but it dosent do anything to prevent links from being posted..

any suggestions?

2 May 15, 2005 19:04

In htsrv/comment_post.php find the bit that looks like this and add the red bit

if( empty($comment) )
{ // comment should not be empty!
errors_add( T_('Please do not send empty comment') );

if( !(strpos($comment,"href")===false && strpos($comment,"www")===false && strpos($comment,"http")===false )) errors_add( T_('Please do not post any links') );


3 May 15, 2005 20:58

Holy cow that is AWESOME! thanks a million. And thanks for such a speedy reply!


5 May 02, 2006 04:30

Also wanted to thank you for this. Exactly what I was looking for!

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