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1 Jun 11, 2005 12:50    

I'm attempting to customize my comment form... however, I have these weird boxes around my form feilds. How do I get rid of them?

Also, do I display just the commenters name? Right now when someone comments it shows up like this:

Crys [Visitor]

and I want it to just show up like this:


2 Jun 11, 2005 15:11

look in _feedback.php
for this

<?php $Comment->author() ?>

In the technical documentation you will find this :

Template function: display author of comment

author( $before = '', $after = '#', $before_user = '', $after_user = '#', $format = 'htmlbody', $makelink = false ) 
string   $before:  String to display before author name if not a user  
string   $after:  String to display after author name if not a user  // default [visitor]
string   $before_user:  String to display before author name if he's a user  
string   $after_user:  String to display after author name if he's a user  // default "[member]"
string   $format:  Output format, see format_to_output()  
boolean   $makelink:  true for link, false if you want NO html link  

3 Crys Jun 11, 2005 15:49


Thank you- that helped a lot.

4 Jun 11, 2005 16:10

Yes I'm familiar with those boxes..
you can 'not show' them by just giving other parameters than the default onces.

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