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1 Jun 18, 2005 02:19    


Sorry for this redundant question. I know that some already answered to this:
But it's never as clear as I would like :)

There it is:
I followed the explanation of Topanga but it does not give me the result I was searching for.

The posts I published on the Blog B are always aggregated on the aggregagor blog. The probem is big, because I always have access to this main aggregator blog at that adress:

Firstly, why b2Evolution is build that way?
Secondly, is there a way to totally get rid off this aggregator blog?

Thank a lot for your help!,


2 Jun 18, 2005 02:29

Hello again,

I got it ;)
I setted the blog that will be the main with that option: "Default blog on index.php"

However, the aggregor blog is always accessible here
I would love to get rid of it ;)
Thank for your help,

3 Jun 18, 2005 09:19

Why b2e is build that way, I don't know.
I only know, that for me it is what I want.
I have 10 blogs, 10 different subjects.
But my main blog - the agregator - is my news page.
There people can see all the blogs that have updated.

I can understand you don't want that.
But : if you exclude it from the public blog list then It won't show up there.
If that is not enough because you NEVER NEVER want people to be able to make that choise (Why ?) than do the following

Set the blog 1 to 'other blog through stubfile'
pick a filename like welcome.php
Layout that file to be a nice welcomemessage or whatever
or : put a redirection code in that page.

     $website = "";
     header("Location: " . $website);

4 Jun 18, 2005 16:40

Thank for your answer Topanga :)
Nah, you are right. I will try to tame it. However, if I fail, I will use your snippet of code :)
Thank a lot,

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