2 personman Jun 24, 2005 05:09

Personman, thanks for your assurance.
What I find strange is that I did get listed once but then it stopped. Thus my question about being Blacklisted.
Are you sure you're not getting listed? Your link won't show up right after you post if they use any sort of cacheing. Check your referer logs to see if anyone has clicked through from b2evolution.net. I would still give it a couple of days, then you could contact Graham. You may also want to read [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=13520#13520]this[/url].
personman, I'm pretty sure I'm not getting listed and also that I did get listed once.
I read the post you pointed to me a long time ago. When I read it I decided not to bother anybody since I understood there was a huge list of blogs to be reviewed and accepted.
A few days after, it seems all blogs were reviewed and mine started to show, but now its not showing anymore.
The b2evolution.net site has had a few server/db issues that are still in the process of being fixed. (I.e., the [url=http://skins.b2evolution.net]skins site[/url] which recently came back online.) I'm not up on all the ins and outs of it, but it's entirely possible that the list was corrupted/lost/restored from a backup, and now you're just waiting in line again.
Don't worry, it'll get listed again, I'm sure.
OK, I'll wait for it to get listed again.
Thanks both for your replies and help.
I do want my blog to be listed when I post something new but I also want to be sure that everything related to b2evolution works well because I continually recommend bloggers to be to use this script and no other.
There is no record of your site, blacklisted or otherwise. Are you sure you're not getting any error messages when you send the ping?
I post without any errors at all. It even says that it has pinged b2evolution succesfully but when I visit the b2evolution my site is not listed.
Hmm, strange. I'll pass this one over to Francois, maybe he has an idea as to what's happening.
Thanks, I appreciate the help.
I was being dumb. It's all fixed now.
Whatever you did fixed the problem. Thank You!
My Best Regards
It just takes a while to get approved. Don't worry, you'll show up as soon as they can get to you.