2 stk Jun 28, 2005 01:14

stk wrote:
If it were a feature, you could turn it on (and off). But, unfortunately, it's not a feature. :(
However ... the functionality is there, by using FEEDS. Rather than PUSH an email to people when the blog is updated, they PULL this information, using their RSS/ATOM readers, by subscribing to your feed.
Different idea, same result. :)
Problem is that alot of people are lazy and if you're just starting out or if you don't update your blog on a daily basis people are less likely to check back. While I agree that RSS feeds are great you have to admit that the majority of readers havn't jumped on the technology yet.
I agree that an email on post "feature" would be very usefull.
Interesting, it appears that your site is powered by MT and that you live in N. Van. (We used to live in New Westminster, but are temporarily displaced to Alberta).
Anyway ... Yes, the whole feed thing is relatively 'geeky', but gaining momentum every day. Our parent's are too techno-phobic to give it a whirl (which is how I qualitativley gauge if something is 'mainstream' or not).
In 2002, we employed another option ... an email subscription to updates, where people add their email to a list and then receive (not an email when we update our blog), but emails that we send out periodically ... indicating what's been going on. It worked great back in the day and we still use it, because it's a great way to keep in touch with friends, but we don't send out an email EVERY time we add a blog entry ... that's just a little TOO MUCH information. We use it as reminder that we have a blog and about once a quarter, just to say HI. (We have about 200 folks on the list).
If you're interested, the site is www.notifylist.com (it's a free service).
It probably wouldn't be too difficult to add a checkbox to the /admin/_edit_form.php file "email update", then pick that checkbox up in /admin/edit_actions.php and hardwire in an email that's sent to a series of addresses "Just a note to let you know that I've added a new entry "entry name" to my blog - click here to read it".
It wouldn't have a fancy interface and you'd have to manually manage the list of addresses, but I bet it could be done.
Subscribing to a blog will be available in the next major release.
You'll have to register/log in, and then you can subscribe to posts/comments in any of the blogs in the system.
isaac - that's nice to know. thanks for letting us know. :) -stk
It's not too hard to get non-geeks and/or lazy people to use RSS if you set them up with a tool like Bloglines.com. I set up an account for my mother. The key is to add in a few feeds (besides yours) that they're interested in so they'll check bloglines often.
Thanks for the suggestion. We're going down to visit my folks in California in a couple of weeks. I'll have to remember bloglines.com and see if I can't get my dad hooked up.
Honestly, I as techno-geeky as I am, I don't even use/have an feed reader ... something that I've been meaning to change, but there seems to always be 'something else to do'! ;)
I opened this topic: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=5008
But for some reason Gram Locked it? I did not mean to be a pest its just that i searched and found this quote from issac who it says is a contributor and he says that subscribing to a post will be available in the next release so what gives? Are we going to see this feature or not?
isaac wrote:
Subscribing to a blog will be available in the next major release.
You'll have to register/log in, and then you can subscribe to posts/comments in any of the blogs in the system.
Sorry, it was me who locked the post.
I unlocked it again...
I was looking at the online CVS viewer at this link
And on these files:
There is a comment by fplanque saying "implemented email notifications on new comments/trackbacks"
Does anybody know if this means we are going to see this wonderfully needed feature in the next release? God i cant wait!
If it were a feature, you could turn it on (and off). But, unfortunately, it's not a feature. :(
However ... the functionality is there, by using FEEDS. Rather than PUSH an email to people when the blog is updated, they PULL this information, using their RSS/ATOM readers, by subscribing to your feed.
Different idea, same result. :)