2 isaac Jun 28, 2005 18:37

After a few days off, I'm checking my blogs spams...
I maintain an ICRA-labelled sexually-oriented blog intended for adults only. "Masturbation" and "sex" are common words. However, I discover those words have been added as "blacklist" entries the past few days.
If b2evolution has to implement an automated blacklist feature, I would be pleased to see there is a manual validation process.
Moreover, it appears some b2evolution users would like to filter sex-related material (I guess some would like to filter violence-related material too). It would be interesting to integrate a "pinklist" or other parent control-oriented keywords list as a separated list.
Blacklist is primarly intended to fight spam, isn't it?
(And thanks in advance every blacklist user to take care of what is submitted: "anal" keyword filters "analogies" and "cialis" filters "specialist"...)
You can locally delete words from your blacklist. It will not be added again.
I don't think "sex" is banned. I saw "masturbation".
The problem is that spam is done often by poker sites, pharmacies' and sex sites ...
[Edit: "cialis" has been removed from the blacklist]
slamp wrote:
You can locally delete words from your blacklist. It will not be added again. [...]
Removing "false positives" from the blacklist wasn't at all an issue a month ago. Since then, the blacklist has becomen much more active, updating up to several tens of entries a day.
Removing "false positives" is still easy and I've spent less than half an hour the other day to check everything after a few days long holidays (thanks to the [url=http://wonderwinds.com/hackblog.php/2005/02/07/antispam_recheck_tool_part3]Antispam recheck tool[/url]). Since I consider some entries as "false positives" I can't use an automatic script to filter those "false positives". (Er... in fact I could do so testing the new entries against some "trusted" entries...)
However, I'm afraid the blacklist is going to become extremly active in the next months so I won't be able to filter it manually.
(You're right, "sex" is too short for being blacklisted... Hopefully, I don't manage any poker-oriented blog! ;))
slamp wrote:
[Edit: "cialis" has been removed from the blacklist]
Why was cialis removed from the blacklist? Just curious as I am hit by so much cialis spam and I can't be the only one.
Why was cialis removed from the blacklist?
Read the last line of this post:
isaac wrote:
This is basically a request for a plugin that would run on a cron-job.
In the meantime, medya, see:
Whoops, had the wrong link in there for the third one. Sorry bout that :oops:
wont you add these feathers to the next version of b2evolution ? (ppl still would have to install hacks ?) >:(
kwa wrote:
(You're right, "sex" is too short for being blacklisted... Hopefully, I don't manage any poker-oriented blog! ;))
I DO!!
And quite frankly, its fecking annoying - I have to allow the keywords ".poker" and "poker." - this brought me a world of pain when I cleared out my blacklist as I started to re-block a bunch of valid referrers! Removing the keywords meant ithat spammers where also getting through. I have to allow legitimate sites such as www.blondepoker.com and www.pokeringlasgow.com and www.glasgowpokerschool.com (which is fine because currently "poker"
I added -poker as a keyword and thankfully this seems to have stopped all the "pacfic-poker.html" style spammer. Hopefully nobody will create a legitimate poker orientated site using the - symbol!
I've read around this topic a bit and am still puzzled. How does one clear out the blacklist? Is this something that has to be done in mySQL or is there a better way? And when is it necessary/desirable? Some seem to suggest a regular purge, others don't. Any suggestions?
If it is a good thing, then perhaps this is a feature request after all - should there be an option in b2e to do this?
I see you are using the 'dawn' version, so you could do [url=http://wonderwinds.com/hackblog.php/2005/09/18/antispam_rechecking_dawn]this hack[/url] to get a link that will empty your antispam table and reset the 'last updated' field in the settings table. You'll also get a 'recheck all' feature, but it's a hack and it won't work if/when you upgrade later on. (more in a minute...)
The other way to empty the table is via phpmyadmin or some such utility that lets you do stuff with your mysql database. Two steps: first empty evo_antispam. Next browse through evo_settings and find a field called something like "antispam_last_update" and set it to '2001-01-01 00:00:00'. That field in settings is how the update process knows where to begin with sending you more antispam keywords.
BTW there is a sloppy hack in the middle of my hack that tries to turn subdomain.domain.tld into domain.tld but it's stupid. It'll also turn domain.co.nn into co.nn, which is pointless. It'll also turn .domain.tld into domain.tld, which doesn't help matters at all. I should fix it, but there's a lot of stuff I should do and don't. .domain.tld (note the preceeding dot) is a very good way to report a spammer that is hitting you from multiple subdomains. Instead of foobar.domain.tld and blahblah.domain.tld, .domain.tld gets them both AND runs much less risk of accidentally blocking something real.
EDIT: When is it desirable? That's up to you. I do it when I update older entries in the keyword list. For example when "cialis" got unblocked and replaced with "-cialis." and ".cialis-". For most users I'd say once every few months will be more than enough, unless you know you added bunches of stuff that maybe you didn't want to add and feel like starting all over.
Thanks, EdB. Quick response and easy explanation. I'm off to mySQL to do just as you told me. Unless you hear otherwise, it worked.
Ta m8
This is basically a request for a plugin that would run on a cron-job.
In the meantime, medya, see:
Whoops, had the wrong link in there for the third one. Sorry bout that :oops: