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1 Nov 13, 2003 03:48    

Howdy all,

I'm back up in running in my new locale... Hopefully, I'll get a chance to get my random blog entry display feature added to b2evo soon. It'll be used as a way to create all kinds of neat additions to your blogs, such as random quotes, random images, a random pick of the books you've read or the porn you've watched... ;) You get the idea, it's uses will only be limited by your imagination.

Anyhow, on to the main topic: Admin interfaces. I was trying to update my blog the other day via my Dell Axim PocketPC and I noticed the current interface doesn't work 100% on a PocketPC. Notably, the ability to change categories and set statuses doesn't even appear. Am I the only one who would use multiple (regular PC, PocketPC, cell phone, etc.) admin interfaces, or is there a need to create multiple auto-sensing interfaces?

Second, I was wondering how many are using a Mozilla-based browser such as Firebird? With the new XUL, I'm thinking that you could create a great admin interface. My question is would anyone even use it?

Enough rambling...
Travis S

2 Nov 13, 2003 13:39

To be honest, I prefer IE :oops: Yes, I know that mozilla is better, but half of the sites I read look absolute shite in mozilla. Just because I make my site compliant, doesn't mean all teenangers will...

3 Dec 15, 2003 07:00

I use Firebird, and would love a XUL interface.

4 Dec 15, 2003 09:59

Same here. That would be terrific! :)


5 Dec 15, 2003 19:51

Hey Travis,

If you find the problem on the Dell Axim, I'll definitely include a fix.

I also think having a XUL alternative backoffice could be nice. The way I see it (but I may be wrong) would be to have a /adminxul folder.

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