2 isaac Jul 02, 2005 03:57

I still like to explain what I mean...
I wish there was a way to make a internal self-use Photo Gallery ,
like ,,, when you want to upload an image, there should be a link "Choose from photo gallery"
this photo gallery actualy should be the images that you has ever uploaded and they are located in
I think it would be prety easy for you to add that feater,
there is a very small PHP script program called "Folder Blog" it makes a photo gallery out of a directory full of Images...
you can use their idea...
this feather would be so so so great for our news site, so whenver for example we want to post a news about Iraq, we dont upload a new photo of their flag . we simply choose it from the gallery.
some times it is easy to remebmer the file names but not always ! like you want to post a news about a movie that you had already posted its photo but forgot the URL...
at the end I like to say I LOVE B2 EVOLUTION ....it is really really the best content manager of the world
I don't know if this is possible, but would be awesome if when we click in the upload button, the image could be uploaded not for our server. But for another server, like www.imageshack.us
In blogs with a good amount of traffic, putting a image in our own server would suck a lot of bandwidth.
Sorry for the poor english,, and tahnck for the help..
Tuego wrote:
I don't know if this is possible, but would be awesome if when we click in the upload button, the image could be uploaded not for our server. But for another server, like www.imageshack.us
In blogs with a good amount of traffic, putting a image in our own server would suck a lot of bandwidth.
Sorry for the poor english,, and tahnck for the help..
it is a very very good suggeestion ...but is somebody working on them :oops:
There's a file manager in the next major release that you'll probably like.
In short, sit tight.