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1 Jul 16, 2005 05:58    

I need to move the blogs on three different domains to a single database. The blogs will continue to be separate entities. Alas, I can't just backup and restore data because blog ID's will be the same, category ID's, post ID's, etc. Is there a simple way to accomplish this? Perhaps some kind of export from the old domains then import to the new domain?

2 Jul 16, 2005 23:13

You say that blogs will still exist as seperate enteties.
I suppose you mean that blog 1 from domain A and blog 1 from domain B and blog 1 from damain C will become
blog 2 3 and 4 in D ?

I don't now of any easy solution but this is the way I would do it.

1 Create in domain D the 3 'new' blogs and create all the categories you had in the old domains in the new blogs.
2 Remember the old category number and the new category number
3 In phpmyadmin :
4 create a backup from all tree domains
5 Start changing all old category number by the new one and the old blognumber by the new one.
6 again make a sql-dump and import this into domain D

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