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1 Jul 16, 2005 18:13    

I was trying to go back to old posts that are now in archive (from October 2004) & edit them to make them protected so only registered members can view them.

When I go into the admin panel & click on the edit tab and try selecting one of the archive links none of the posts will display. The only post I am able to see in the admin panel is the most recent post made.

(I do not have multiple blogs - only 1)

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong??

I want to be able to make my entire blog protected so people stumbling across my site by accident can't read it. Is there a better way to do this?

2 Jul 16, 2005 23:07

If you are shure you want all your posts to be protected, its easyer to do that in phpmyadmin.

But in the adminpnel, can't you go to a past date by clicking in the calendar ?

Another 'normal way'.

when you type this as ulr:

are you seeing the post ?

* the last is the number of the post

3 Jul 17, 2005 02:25

When I go into the admin panel & click on the edit tab- then I click on the archive month I want & then the date on the calender. Here is what the URL looks like:

I see that it says browse rather than edit. I can't view older posts via the admin panel in anyway, only the most recent post.

If I can't get this to work, how do I make the blog private in the PHPmyadmin? That will allow registered members to still view it though right?

Thanks for your help! :)

4 Jul 17, 2005 17:30

If you click on this URL is it showing that post in edit mode ?

How to do stuff in phpmyadmin (and yes, member of the blog where those posts belong to, can still view those posts.

First : goto phpmyadmin (that is in your database section of plesk or cpanel)

selet and 'sql' window and type this :

UPDATE `evo_posts` SET `post_status` = 'protected' where`post_issue_date` < '1997-12-24 01:00:00'

change the date to the date you want

5 Jul 17, 2005 18:13

yes it shows me that post in edit mode.

How do I get to that with other posts???

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