1 sky_captain Jul 18, 2005 17:49
3 sky_captain Jul 19, 2005 10:01
Uh, nope. You're probably looking at my main blog, where I've inserted the store links manually. I have another blog set up [url=http://maddogmovies.com/blog/horror.php]here[/url] with the linkblog/permalink problem.
What file would I look in to change permalinks? I looked in the _linkblog.php, but I couldn't make heads or tails of it.
4 topanga Jul 19, 2005 10:31
In the file _linkblog.php
Make a copy of the file skins/_linkblog.php in your skins directory : skins/kubrick2evo/_linkblog.php
Look for this line and remove it (if you don't want the symbol for the permalink)
<a href="<?php $Item->permalink() ?>" title="<?php echo T_('Permanent link to full entry') ?>"><img src="img/icon_minipost.gif" alt="<?php echo T_('Permalink') ?>" width="12" height="9" class="middle" /></a>
If you sometimes do want the permalink, you can make 2 _linkblog.php files.
_linkblog.php and _linkblog-nopermalink.php
5 sky_captain Jul 20, 2005 06:13
Thanks. I wouldn't have known to look in THAT linkblog file. It makes sense now.
Why not just removing the icon ?
(Ik think you did allready