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1 Jul 21, 2005 14:22    

Hi everyone. I recently had a fall out with my hosting company and managed to acquire the files to my b2 blog. I would like to take the posts i had and reenter tem in a new blog but since my domain name is no longer valid i cannot go via the web. Since php files refer to a particular file with the data, I am unable to figureout where the entries are located in the directory of my blog.

Can someone guide me with where i should look to find my old entries other than the ones on all.html? The "next" link refers to my website, but i would like to find the entries offline, or rather have no choice but to.

any help is appreciated. thanks.

2 Jul 21, 2005 15:33

All the [url=]b2evolution[/url] data is hold into your [url=]MySQL[/url] database. The easiest way to access your database is to use [url=]PhpMyAdmin[/url] installed on your server, since most [url=]MySQL[/url] servers can be accessed from the local machine only (the web and database servers are the same computer) in order to avoid external attacks.

However, you can try to use any other [url=]MySQL[/url] client in order to dump your blog's tables into .SQL text files (or any other ZIPped version). All the SQL requests needed to fill your new [url=]b2evolution[/url] blogs are going to appear in that file. You will need to run these requests from that file on your new [url=]b2evolution[/url] home from any [url=]MySQL[/url] client.

3 Jul 21, 2005 21:16

So basically, if you can't access your old control panel, you can't get your posts. They're not stored in any of the files you can download via ftp.

4 Jul 22, 2005 06:17

so im at a loss then right?

5 Jul 22, 2005 07:51

If you can't ask youe host for the database, then yes, you are. Sorry.

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