2 personman Jul 30, 2005 05:56

I just saw there is already a section containing ONLY the linkblog, called Linkblog in the blog all page ... had I seen that before I wouldnt have asked and simply would have commented out the _categories section in the skin's _main.php.
Thanks a lot for the quick reply personman !
What is it that you want to be displayed on your blog all sidebar, the linkblog or the section of the categories that show the linkblog categories? Those are two different things. If you display the linkblog then you'll get all of the linkblog categories and all of the posts in those categories on your sidebar. If you only display the categories for the linkblog then you'll just see links for categories and not the posts themselves. If you only want to show the linkblog then get rid of the whole category section. If you want to show just the categories for the linkblog, then try this:
If you haven't done so already, copy all the files from the /skins/custom folder into a new folder to create the skin you're going to use for your blog all. I'll assume that you named the new folder custom-all and set your blog all to use this skin.
Delete /skins/custom-all/_categories.php Then copy /skins/_category.php into the custom-all folder to replace the file you just deleted. Now open up the new, longer /skins/custom-all/_categories.php and find this line
{ # by uncommenting the following lines you can hide some blogs
// if( $curr_blog_ID == 2 ) continue; // Hide blog 2...
and change it to look like this:
{ # by uncommenting the following lines you can hide some blogs
if( $curr_blog_ID != 4 ) continue; // Only show blog 4
If blog 4 isn't your linkblog, then change that to whatever number your linkblog is. Save that file to your webspace and now when you view your blog all page it should only show the categories for the linkblog.
I wanted to get rid of the "categories" section of my blog all sidebar, because it showed all categories from all blogs, so with 36 blogs the sidebar was HUGE.
I simply made a new skin for my blog all in which I commented out the categories section.
But I didnt know I could select which blogs would appear in that section, thats even better, since maybe I'll have to be selective in the futur !
Thanks personman for this solution that might prove useful later !
Make a separate skin for the blog all page and in it edit the _main.php and comment out the line of code that includes _categories.php.