2 topanga Aug 03, 2005 23:50

That's awesome Topanga. Can't wait to get the new version.
It probably won't be that long. All that's left to do is to fix the antispam, and then test it a bit ourselves to make sure that there aren't any major obvious problems. Then I think you lot will be getting it!
Thanks for the update Graham. A quick tutorial on how to install the new version will be very much appreciated and also if we can retain the existing skins and stuff.
Yes that's very good news indeed !!
Still, I'd like to have some pointers as to where to find plugins that are compatible with b2evolution.
Like would you know where to find a plugin that would allow me to create polls on our weblogs ? And a plugin that would allow us to create our own editable calendar ?
Also, Id like a plugin that would allow us to blog by email ... I know its possible through a hack but I'd rather test a plugin with my test installation before hacking through the code.
blogging by email is possible without any change in the code
it's included allready ;)
for the rest : in the past, there was no good 'plugin' thing for b2evo.. that's why you will not find plugins for b2evo...
After the 'phoenix'-release they will come
Ah I see, thanks for the clarifications Topanga !
And to answer the original question, there is a new plugin repository at
my advice : wait a maximum of 6 weeks till the new version of b2e is comming out.
This version is made for easy plugins.