2 edb Aug 11, 2005 22:02

I followed the instructions from the link
and was able to get the sample b2evolution blog to RSS back to my own blog... but I am at a loss as to how to add other blogs.
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/rss_fetch.inc' );
<h3>MagpieRSS RAWKS!!!</h3>
$show_me = 3;
$url = "http://b2evolution.net/xmlsrv/rss2.php?blog=2";
$rss = fetch_rss($url);
require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_magpierss.php' );
For instance... say I wanted to add a blog such as daily thoughts - http://dalythoughts.com/?feed=rss2
what sort of code would go where... would it go in this bit of code or would it go to the _magpierss.php file?
Just adding the url did not work?
anyone... bueller?
and is there anyway to get titles and links rather than the full story?
Sounds like you missed a step.
Repeat that block for each feed you want. As for only getting titles, yes. Tell it $cut_item_desc = true and $cut_item_desc_to = 0;