1 keninman Aug 12, 2005 14:59
3 kweb Aug 12, 2005 16:25
A couple of suggestions:
1. Make sure your skin is properly set for your blog
2. Make sure the skin you are using does not have a space in the name
3. Try deleting your cookies, especially one called "cookieb2evostate"
If that doesn't fix it, please post a URL, as well as the name of the skin you are trying to use.
4 keninman Aug 12, 2005 16:37
The url is http://www.greenetucky.net/blog The error shows up at odd intervals so it could be someone who visited before I took all of the skins away except custom. I did see one about bluesky but the error log has been overwritten now.
The really odd part to me is that it started at exactly the same time as when the host company banned some spammer ips we submitted. Could it be something associated with a robot since it showed up multiple times when google crawled the site?
It does not seem to be a big deal as the blog seems to be working fine. The only other problem I noticed is when I updated the blacklist from b2 server I received a mySQL error on "ontheinter.net" about duplicate entries. I never could get the whole update to load.
MySQL error!
Duplicate entry 'ontheInter.net' for key 2(Errno=1062)
Your query:
INSERT INTO evo_antispam( aspm_string, aspm_source ) VALUES( 'ontheInter.net', 'central' )
Strange huh?
I moved it to client side stuff, because here you will find the answer