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1 Aug 17, 2005 18:05    

Hello there :-)

Yes... another stub file question :-) First of all sorry for my baaad english. I´ll try to make myself clear somehow...

I would like to create new blogs. Those Blogs should be in my subdomain folder. The structure of my server is the following:

bla folder
another folder
httpdocs ---> This is where b2 is installed and all files of the TDL. B2 is installes in a subdfolder at the moment
subdomains --> the subdomain folder is outside of the httpdocs. When I create a subomain the file structure is: subdomain --> name of subdomain --> httpdocs where the files should be in (new blog).

Unfortunaley I am a real expert in forgetting a "/" or a "," or whatever is important to send it to the right place. I also "love" to exchange code snippets... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: so my tries to change something always fail.

So my first question.. is it possible what I am planning to do? (= new blog = new subdomain) and the 2nd is: What do I have to look at, which codes do I have to change?

Thanks a lot for your help :-)


2 Aug 17, 2005 18:14

This is not possible right now, but the next version of b2evolution, due to be released in a couple of weeks will do it. In fact, the new version supports not only blogs on separate subdomains, but blogs on serarate domains. All with one install. I'm really looking forward to that feature. So, while you're waiting, you can do what I do. Make each subdomain redirect to a file on the regular domain, so that when the user goes to, they are taken to That will at least allow the subdomain to get them to the blog. Once the new version comes out you'll be able to set it so that all of your permalinks inlcude the subdomain.

3 Aug 17, 2005 18:18

but the next version of b2evolution, due to be released in a couple of weeks will do it

ooooooooh coooooooool... I think I better wait for the new version...

In fact, the new version supports not only blogs on separate subdomains, but blogs on serarate domains.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOKAAAAAAAAAAAAAY... a COUPLE of weeks you said??? Yesterday would be better :D :D :D

I´m really looking forward to the new release then :-)

I also hope that an update will be possible or an easy way to import the postings...



4 Aug 17, 2005 18:34

Of course there will be. How do you think those of us who've been using b2evo since the begining have kept upgrading...? ;)

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