2 graham Aug 22, 2005 16:01

Graham wrote:
What happens with ISPs that dynamically assign IP addresses (like mine)?
well thats why I said it should be an OPTION in setting, if the blogger liked, he can NOT LET ppl with one IP to post with diffrent names.
but the ability that shows which ppl has used that IP is good at any case...there jsut blogger can see it in his control room .
The problem here is that if YOU wanted to lock my name to my IP you would not be able to if my IP changes every time I connect to the internet. Dynamic assignment! B2evolution already writes a cookie that stores the commenter's name, but the commenter doesn't have to take the cookie. Even if you hid the checkbox for "store my identity" the commenter could use a smart browser and simply deny cookies from your domain. Therefore you simply can't force an IP or a computer to have one and only one name.
One exception: require registration to comment. I'm not sure if that's officially part of b2evolution or a hack, but it is the only way. Wait - I think it's a hack because I wrote it!!!
As to seeing the IP address in the back office: it's already there. When you get the email that says you got a new comment click the "delete/edit" link and you will see the comment and the IP the commenter was using.
EdB wrote:
As to seeing the IP address in the back office: it's already there. When you get the email that says you got a new comment click the "delete/edit" link and you will see the comment and the IP the commenter was using.
I know that, but MT has something cool , that plust the IP , you can see,
which Nicknames with that IP have posted Comment before.
like you can add this under the IP name "the nicknames been used by this IP to post comment "
i know it is easy to do that.
by the way where is that HACK that you wrote for registeration ?
medya wrote:
... like you can add this under the IP name "the nicknames been used by this IP to post comment " ...
Now I see. I don't think I could make a hack that shows that in each comment when you view it in edit mode because I just don't know anything about how it makes the list in the back office. I think maybe I could make a hack that pulls IPs and names from comments then shows you a list. That might not be so hard. Where would a list like that be displayed? Probably easiest way would be to make a new tab in the back office for "Comment Info" that shows IP and name and post they commented on and the comment they wrote. I think that's possible.
The registration hack. Hmm... A little bit of searching finds the answer!
http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=2438 contains my hack and quite a few changes others have found valuable. Have fun with it!
I forgot : it can also have something like this :
it also says "peopel with these Nicknames X Y Z .... haev posted comment with this E-mail adresss"
and as I said it will appread jsut for the author. (for the bloigger)
when you go to edit the post and comments, you can see such details
What happens with ISPs that dynamically assign IP addresses (like mine)?