2 edb Aug 26, 2005 17:30

Yeah, I tried it in Firefox and IE, at 1280x1024 and 800x600. At the lower resolution it actually degrades better than google does. If anyone notices anything strange in any browser, please let me know. If people like it I'll submit it once I've made any changes that need to be made. There's a download link in my post, so you can download it and try it out now.
Well done :)
I think I would steer clear of using the name google anywhere in the name -- if I read right:
links to other pages which explain more, obviously.
also, personally, I would like to see nicer image alignment around the text.. other than that it's fine :)
I added this to the stylesheet:
#content img {
margin: 8px;
Do you think that helps?
If I leave Google out of the skin name, will I be ok? I have a link at the bottom of the skin that says the skin is based on Google. Should I remove it, too? Other than that, I don't think I'm using any of their brand features.
welp, the font is in the public domain, clearly i wouldnt worry about that, if they arent.. I am guessing they are aware of the font -- its on every free font site I've ever seen :)
if it were me, I actually like John's suggestion of Boogle.
The images are better yes, with a little more space
I added Boogle to the choices.
I think Boogle is better than others and I liked the skin, simple and cool one!
I have a just a few bugs to fix and then I'll release this skin. Maybe someone can help me with this one. I want the post tile to be right above the post text, with no blank line in between them, and I want the green text below the post to be right below the post, with now blank line in between. But I do want an empty line between paragraphs in the post. Here are the styles I have in effect now:
.bSmallPrint {
margin-top: -1em;
.bPostTitle {
p {
margin-bottom: 1em
The code for p is not actually in my stylesheet, but I think that is the default value. This actually works fine as long as the post text is wrapped in p tags. But when it's not (if auto p in unchecked or the post was imported from another blogging software) then the .bSmallPrint text (the green text) is displayed overlapping with the last line of my post. I could change the margin for .bSmallPrint to 0 and the margin for p to 0, but then I won't have an empty line between paragraphs. Can anyone think of a way to make this work how I want it to?
You can see the bug in action here:
This "appears" to work
.bText p{
font-size: 0.9em;
margin:1em 0;
Brilliant! That works great, ¥åßßå. Thanks for your help.
No problem ;)
I fixed all of the bugs I could find and settled on the name Boogle. I sent it in to be on skins.b2evolution.net, but if you can't wait, you can download it here:
googolution. Nice to see a valid/valid skin. I also like skins that take advantage of the full screen. Have you tested it in a couple of different browsers and resolutions? Just curious. Are you going to zip it up and submit it to the skins repository?